Monday, December 24, 2007


ok, i know i promised that i would post something this week, but it's pretty clear that is not going to happen. especially because i leave for israel tomorrow night! if you want to follow my travels, click my profile for the link to my desert journey journal. boy, that is a little tongue twister, isn't it?

but gnarles and i have been talking about how and when to revive this space, and we've come up with just the thing: a post about service here in portland. because we've noticed that there are lots and lots of websites covering the basics: food and decor, whereas no one ever mentions the customer service aspect of their meal. and i've eaten out enough times in portland to know that it isn't all that pretty, folks.

so, look forward to some rockin' posts in the new year, including my reviews of all the newest restaurants on the west side (read: kenny and zukes, isabel, etc.) 

happy holidays everyone!

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